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Showing 1 - 23 out of 23 results
Barrett's Esophagus and GERD
The Valley Hospital Center for Barrett's Esophagus and GERD provides leading-edge diagnostic services, treatment options and management for patients with Barrett's esophagus and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Behavioral Health & Wellness
Valley Health System, in conjunction with Christian Health, offers mental health services at the Valeridge Center for Behavioral Health and Wellness.
Benign Blood Disorders Care
Valley’s Center for Blood Disorders offers accurate diagnosis and the latest treatments for anemias, bleeding and clotting disorders, and other noncancerous blood disorders.
Bereavement Services
Bereavement services offered through Valley Hospice include support groups, talks, bereavement volunteers and more. Learn about our services for adults and children.
Bill Pay
Pay your bill from The Valley Hospital on our secure online portal. Online bill pay is fast, free and easy, with no login required.
Bladder Cancer
Valley’s Urologic Oncology Center provides the most collaborative team care available for patients with bladder cancer. You can meet with cancer specialists from radiation oncology, surgery and medical oncology in a single visit. We’ll save you time and work together to create a treatment plan specific to your needs.
Bladder Control Problems
Bladder control options at Valley include Interstim and PTNS (non-surgical) and suburethral sling, pubovaginal sling and TVT tension free vaginal tape (surgical).
Blood Cancer Care
Valley’s Blood Cancer Care Program offers the latest treatments for blood cancers like leukemias, lymphomas, multiple myeloma and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).
Brain Aneurysm
Our neurosurgeons offer complete care for ruptured and unruptured brain aneurysms. This includes aneurysm clipping and minimally invasive aneurysm coiling.
Brain Angiogram
Valley's neurosurgeons perform brain angiograms to monitor blood vessels near your brain. Cerebral angiograms can discover life saving information.
Brain Metastases
Valley offers advanced treatments for brain mets, including Gamma Knife radiosurgery. Our team-based approach lets us treat your primary cancer (such as breast cancer) and brain mets at the same time.
Brain Surgery
Valley neurosurgeons in New Jersey treat brain tumors, stroke, and other neurological disorders using minimally invasive brain surgery whenever possible.
Brain Tumor Program
We treat all types of brain tumors, including glioblastoma, meningioma, acoustic neuroma, pituitary adenoma and brain metastases. We offer brain surgery, Gamma Knife surgery and radiation therapy.
Brain Tumors
Valley’s neurosurgeons specialize in diagnosing and treating meningioma, glioblastoma, astrocytoma and other conditions. Our minimally invasive and nonsurgical options offer excellent results.
Breast Cancer
If you have breast cancer, Valley’s Breast Center can see you quickly. We offer advanced treatment options, including the latest clinical trials, oncoplastic techniques and lumpectomy.
Breast Cancer Program
Valley provides the full spectrum of breast cancer services, including diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. Throughout, patients receive support to address their unique needs.
Breast Cancer Survivorship Care
Valley Breast Center’s Breast Cancer Survivorship Program sees patients who have completed initial breast cancer treatment. We help address health or emotional needs you have following treatment.
Breast Imaging Center
Valley’s Breast Imaging Center offers comprehensive breast imaging, including screening and diagnostic mammograms, stereotactic breast biopsy, breast ultrasound and ultrasound-guided biopsy.
Breast MRI
Breast MRI provides great detail for breast tissue, which aids in diagnosing and treating patients with breast cancer, including patients at high risk for developing breast cancer.
Breast Patient Navigators
Through Valley’s breast patient navigators, you receive support and guidance through the entire breast cancer process, from diagnosis through treatment and survivorship.
Breastfeeding Services
Learn about Valley's in-hospital breastfeeding resources, classes and support groups, in-person lactation consultations, and other ways we support breastfeeding moms.
Bulkamid Therapy
Valley’s Urogynecology program offers Bulkamid®, an FDA-approved, office-based procedure to quickly and effectively treat stress urinary incontinence in women.
Butterflies Program
Valley Home Care’s Butterflies Program provides comprehensive home care services for infants and children who have been diagnosed with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses.
Showing 1 - 23 out of 23 results