The Valley Hospital Machine Readable File of Standard Charges is comprehensive listing of billable services, however, each patient and episode of care is unique, and the actual out-of-pocket cost you pay as a patient may vary depending on: the clinical services provided; your specific insurance plan, if you have one; the location where you received services; your eligibility for financial assistance, and other factors. Therefore, The Valley Hospital Machine Readable File of Standard Charges should not be used as a single source for determining actual cost to any payer, including insurers, employers, or patient out-of-pocket responsibility, and if such single service determination is attempted, the information will be out-of-context and therefore, potentially incomplete and inaccurate. To republish, post online, or otherwise re-communicate this information to another party and hold-out these fee schedules as the sole determining factor in establishing insurers, employers, or patient out-of-pocket responsibility, without providing the contextual limitations described above, may be misleading to the consumers of such information due to the limitations detailed in this disclaimer. To aid insurers, employers, or patients most effectively in determining actual payer cost or insurers, employers, or patient out-of-pocket responsibility, The Valley Hospital recommends contacting your insurer or the Valley Patient Financial Services Department at 201-291-6080.