The Cancer Moonshot: Let’s end cancer together

Ephraim S. Casper, MD

In 2016, then-Vice-President Joe Biden launched the Cancer Moonshot to accelerate the rate of progress against cancer. Last month, he reignited the Cancer Moonshot with new goals.

According to The White House, due to the recent progress in cancer therapeutics, diagnostics, and patient-driven care, the new goals are to reduce the death rate from cancer by at least 50 percent over the next 25 years and improve the experience of people and their families living with and surviving cancer. The ultimate goal? To end cancer.

The President and First Lady Jill Biden also want to increase cancer screenings that may have been missed during the pandemic.

In striving for these goals, they hope to diagnose cancer sooner; target the right treatments to the right patients; speed progress against the most deadly and rare forms of cancer; and provide emotional and personal support to greater numbers of patients, caregivers, and survivors.

We at Valley-Mount Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Care are in full support of these initiatives. We believe many of our advanced screening, diagnostic, and treatment options – including clinical trials – are in step with the goals of the Moonshot. I encourage you to learn more at the National Cancer Institute’s Moonshot website located here.

For more information about cancer care at Valley, please visit

Together, we can all work toward ending cancer as we know it, fulfilling the goals of the Cancer Moonshot. 

Ephraim S. Casper, MD

About the Author

Ephraim S. Casper, MD

Dr. Casper is Chief Medical Officer for Valley-Mount Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Care and Chair of Oncology Services for Valley Medical Group.

Tags: Cancer Care